The numbers are in and the FriendShop had another record breaking month. As our Friend David Maltsburger said, "The secret is
August by the numbers:
People: ~700
Books: ~2,200
Funds: ~ $5,200
On Wonderful Wednesday, August 1st, Miss Constance and Miss April (Bubbles and Lolypop) came to the FriendShop for Big Top Tales, Tunes & Treats Story Time.
Here's a little one jumping through a 'ring of fire'! Oooooo so scary!
And here's another one lifting 2 tons! Awesome!
Everyone enjoyed listening to Lolypop and Bubble's stories.
Some of us needed a little 'pillow help' so we could see all the activities.
Thanks for visiting Bubbles and Lolypop! Everyone had a terrific time!
Our next Wonderful Wednesday will be on September 5th, at 10:30. Miss Constance is having a farm-themed
story time with a harvest of tales, tunes, and tasty treats. The Friends are sponsoring a petting
zoo with the "Magnificent Seven" (cow,pig,pony,duck,goose,goat,sheep) and it's going to be a perfect Kodak moment! Get yer boots and hats ready little cowgirls and cowboys! It's time to giddy up!
Next up it was time for the Second Sizzll'in Summer book sale on Saturday, August 11th.
On Friday, August 10th from 9-11, volunteers set up the large conference rooms in the Library with thousands of books and audio items.
Almost done.....
....with so many volunteers the set up was completed in record time.
Afterward, volunteers attended the 'thank you' luncheon. Pat Beeman, Sheree Stevens, Carol Iverson, Anne and Joe Linnartz enjoying a well deserved break.
Ann Hollis, Mary Richards and Barbara Bara enjoying lunch.
The next day it was time to open the doors and oh, my stars and garters! ( I stole that from Shirley Hord). We broke records for # of books sold - 1,160, # of people attending - 175 and $ raised - $2,100.
Shoppers checking out the buy 3 get 1 free mysteries.
The History and Texana section is always popular.
Men at work.
Lad Mingus and Armando Vasquez working the check out line.
Steady crowds all day long.
DVDs for $2 were flying off the shelf!
Mr. Book Dealer checking out the great deals in the Biography section.
Women at work.
The Children's area was busy all day with our 15 books for $10 special.
Martha Hawkins stopped by to pick up a donation for the Disabled Veteran's......
Martha Hawkins, Pat Beeman, Cheryl Perz, Ann Liebner |
....and this box is headed to University Hospital Children's clinic.
After the sale it was time to clean up the conference room. Special thanks
to Pat Beeman, Kevin and Sandy Henning, Ann Liebner, Judy and Mark
Olender, Kelly and Kathlyn Nicholas, Joan Nitschke, Tom Rifleman, and Ann Hollis!
The final event of the month was Bob Hill's 90th birthday party on Friday, August 17th.
Forty people came to wish Bob a very happy 90th birthday. Shirley Hord was the hostess for the evening. Isn't she pretty in pink?
City Council member, Nina Woolard, proclaimed Saturday, August 18th, BOB HILL DAY! YEAH!!!!
YEAH BOB! Happy 90th Birthday!
Dan Basarich, Past President of the FOBPL and Mary Alice Yelverton, local columnist, catching up on the latest Boerne business.
Roberta Belanger, President of the Boerne Library Foundation and Celeste Wall passing out the cake.
Bob Hill and Mary Alice Yelverton.
Bob Hill and Cheryl Perz, President FOBPL.
Everyone had a wonderful time. At 6:00 the cow bell rang and Shirley announced the shop would be closing in 10 minutes - to which Bob Hill replied, "What? The party's just getting started!"
When the FriendShop was completed in December 2011 it was originally slated to be used as a storage facility. At that time a back door was deemed not necessary. We plan to build a deck in the near future and installation of a back door is now necessary for access to that deck. In addition, we feel the door is also necessary for safety due to the high traffic in the store. We envision the deck being a pleasant venue for readers, book signings, book clubs and receptions.
We are now raising funds to install that door and build the deck. We ask your help. Our estimate is that it will take $30,000 to complete the project. $3,500 has already been pledged to date. If you would like to help, please contact Judith Umberger at to make your designated 'deck donation' today!
Juanita's closet |
Thank you for all of your donations! We are so grateful for your support. Did you know there are 11,364 holdings (books, CDs, DVDs) currently on the library shelves that were donated from the Friends? And that equals approximately $225,000.0? YOUR donations equal about 1/4 of all the library holdings! That's pretty amazing, no?
Kelly Skovbjer, PHPL Director and Cheryl Perz, President FOBPL drawing the winning ticket for the color nook. |
This month the Friends donated funds to purchase audio
books, ebooks, a color nook, a picnic table and a software program totaling a little over $4,500. Yeah Friends!
Welcome to our new members this month!
- Carol Schmeltzer
- Angela Howard
- Sheree Stevens
- Glenda Wilke
TRIVIA: Friends totaled 361 hours on their ledgers from 6/20- 8/11 not including book processing time! WOW. Okay, WOW!
Pat Wilson working the desk in the FriendShop every 3rd Friday.
Mary Morton stocking the shelves in the Art section.
Beautiful laminated posters entitled Picturing America presented by the national endowment for the Humanities in cooperation with the American Library Association were donated by a new Friend the other day. Mary Richards and Eny Gatewood had a hard time deciding which picture to hang first.
Recycle book art projects made by Friends.
Sadie presenting her purple horse coloring to Ann Liebner for a free book!
Stop in the FriendShop for some quiet time.
Our garden is growing!
Joan Nitschke and Mary R. putting up the new chickadee feeder.
Pat Beeman starting the rock wall around the garden.
Joan Nitschke hanging a Goldfinch feeder.
time you’re in Boerne, stop by the FriendShop, “The Shop Under the Windmill” to
see our vintage camera. Mr. Orville (Andy) Anderson graciously gave this 80+ year
old camera to the FOBPL for all to enjoy.
Mr. Anderson bought the camera for $300 from Mr. John Rose of San
Mr. Orville (Andy) Anderson.
Anderson’s career started in Arthur, Illinois and took him to Europe during
WWII. He worked for 22 years at Wilford
Hall as a photomicrographer.
The Friends
are so thankful to Mr. Anderson for sharing his treasure and all the wonderful
stories surrounding his camera.
Have you seen our basket of free magazines outside the FriendShop?
- Starting in September we will be open every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00 am-2:00 pm
- Hoedown Happiness Petting Zoo; Wonderful Wednesday, September 5th 10:30 am.
- Friends September meeting, Friday September 7th, 2:00 at the FriendShop. Everyone is welcome!
- Book signing on Thursday, September 27th with Richard Jacome author or The River of Bones Sesquicentennial Edition. Details to follow.
Thank you for all the 'likes'. We achieved our goal of 150 'likes' by the end of August! Just think...if every person who liked us could get just ONE more person to like us we could be up to 300 by the end of September. I'm just say'in......
The highest ranked post on our facebook page -
1. Fall in love with horses-
2. Buy a horse book at the FriendShop-
3. Start taking horseback riding lesson-
4. Win a blue ribbon in your first riding event-
BAM! That's how it's done in Boerne!
Garrett Stevens, son of Friend Ariel Brooks-Stevens. |
What is BY FAR the most common donated book to the Friends????
Scroll down.........
Did you guess right?
I went to a bookstore and asked
the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told
me, it would defeat the purpose - George Carlin.
Please contact us with any suggestions for future
newsletters and watch facebook for all the latest news in the FriendShop!