2012 has arrived but not before 2011 went out with a bang at our FriendShop Grand Opening and Holiday Book Sale on Saturday 10 December.
After many months of planning by our President, Dan Basarich, project coordinators Dani and Bob Vollmer, and the hard work of many dedicated volunteers - the FriendShop was officially opened. Yeah!!!
Dan Basarich, Dani Vollmer, former Mayor Patrick Heath, and Lad Mingus celebrate the opening of the FriendShop. |
After opening remarks by our President Dan Basarich, Kelly Skovbjerg, PHPL Director, expressed her appreciation to the Friends for their hard work throughout the year at raising funds to support special activities at the library. Dani Vollmer thanked the many former Presidents of the Friends of Boerne Library for their efforts and noted the tree from Bigtooth Maples of Boerne that was dedicated in memory of the Friends' 2nd Vice President, Rebecca Yoder.
After all the talking it was time for celebrating! Everyone enjoyed the cake from Bumdoodler's....chocolate and vanilla...YUMMY!
It was a chilly morning but great for cake and hot coffee!
Joyce Basarich serving cake to visitors. |
Ann Liebner and Judith Umberger sold over $200 in raffle tickets, signed up 9 new members, 1 new family and several people for various book sale committees! Great job ladies!
New members! |
And the winner's of the Holiday Book Sale raffle:
Linda Manning handmade wine glasses : Dennis Kruse
Handmade Polish Pottery: Carol Schultz
Leota Kay Biggs Oil Painting: Barb Grafton
Patricia Scivano Ceramics: Helen Bursten
Strictly Meats n' Things gift certificate: Randy Yoder
Congratulations to all and thanks for supporting the PHPL!
Santa arrived at 10:00 and stayed until noon to take pictures with all the children.
David Basarich of Boerne Photography getting a picture of Santa and a very excited little girl! |
Is that really you Santa? |
Over 300 people attended the Holiday Book Sale and it was the most successful mini book sale ever!
Our volunteers deserve a lot of credit for the success of the Holiday Book sale. They set up, price and sort books before the sale, and work as cashiers during the sale. Thank you to all of our terrific volunteers. Here's a few of them -
Bob Hill and Armando Vasquez |
Jackie Lewis and Ede Day |
Richard and Maryann Caldwell |
Katherine Long, Mary and Bebe Ferstenmaker staying warm with some hot coffee. |
Juanita Jonas |
Terry Taylor and Ann Koble |
Judy Roeder |
Mayor Mike Schultz and our President, Dan Basarich conducting business during the book sale. |
Oh Christmas tree...oh Christmas tree.... |
On Wednesday 14 December the Friends held their annual Christmas party. Everyone had a great time chit chatting with old friends, eating terrific food and drinking loaded vodka punch which was going fast. If you weren't there... well...you missed it!
Dan and Joyce Basarich enjoying some holiday treats! |
Holiday treats! |
Joyce Basarich and Jackie Lewis enjoying the afternoon |
Joyce Basarich, J.J. and Anne Liebner |
Sharon Mazurek and her daughter Martha Miller
Everyone oooohed and ahhhhed at the beautiful FriendShop picture by Bettie Edmonds The picture was given to Bob and Dani Vollmer as a thank you for their work on the FriendShop.
Bob Vollmer, Bettie Edmonds, Dani Vollmer
source |
After a brief business meeting, new officers were elected.
2012 Officers
Back Row: Sandy Johnston, library liaison; Greg Rickert, Treasurer; Sharon Mazurek, Historian; Ede Day 2nd Vice President; Ann Liebner, 1st Vice President
Front Row: Cheryl Perz, President; Judith Umberger, Secretary
source |
Thanks again to Joyce Basarich for organizing another great Friends Christmas party!
A Note from our President
I would like to thank the Friends for making my year as President a great experience. I have enjoyed working with our special groups on Monday and Wednesday. Our book sales are a gift to the library and the community. The FriendShop is a wonderful addition to the PHPL campus. It represents the city, library and Friends working together to make Boerne a great place to live.
-- Dan Basarich, President, FOBPL 2010-1011
Time to Recycle!
Would you like to do some Community service but don't have the time? Maybe your New Years resolution is to do something for the environment? The solution is to use the green and yellow paper retriever bins in the Library Annex parking lot (the old Boerne star building). The recycling effort generates an average of $100.00 a month. The volunteer staff that sort donated material use the bins to recycle newspapers, cardboard, and magazines. They also recycle damaged books and outdated research materials - nothing is wasted. It is an
easy way to help make money for the PHPL programs and promote living green. Please
use the green and yellow "retriever" bins to recycle you newspapers and cardboard.
Adios Annex Sale
On Saturday 14 January the Friends will have an Adios Annex sale (old library annex/Boerne Star building) from 9:00 am until noon. Everything must go....make an offer we can't refuse!
Wood and metal shelving
boxes of VHS movies
Help yourself to bargains and help the Friends support the PHPL programs.
Renew Your Membership
The time has come to renew your membership to the Friends. Our dues year was changed at the October meeting to coincide with our business year - January to December. Dues are listed below and may be left at the library or mailed to the Friends at 451 N. Main Street, Building 100, Boerne, 78006. We are working hard to create an accurate membership list. Benefits of membership include the newsletter and access to the 'Members Only Hour' at the March books sale!
Individual - $25.00
Family - $50.00
Senior - $15.00 (65+)
Lifetime - $100.00 (Ind & Senior)
Corporate - $250.00
The 30th Annual Friends of the Boerne Public Library Book Sale is coming!
Friday 2 March 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday 3 March 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sunday 4 March 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
'Members Only Hour' is on Friday from 11:00 AM until noon. Patrons may become members at the door and shop during this hour. As always, proceeds will benefit library services.
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