We've Moved!
FriendShop Grand Opening
Holiday Book Sale
Volunteer Opportunities
Become a Friend
Part II of our move was completed on November 5th when volunteers and JROTC members moved hundreds of boxes of books from the library Annex to the FriendShop. Super planning by Dani and Bob Vollmer helped the move go smoothly. Here's some pictures of volunteers having a good time!
THANKS TO ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS! The move was completed in record time and the FriendShop is BEAUTIFUL. Stop by and say hi!
The Grand Opening of the FriendShop along with the Holiday Book sale will be on Saturday December 10, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Grand Opening ceremony will start at 9:00 with the book sale immediately following. A volunteer sign up list is at the library and the FriendShop if can you can help that day.
Because we weren't able to have our July book sale, the Holiday sale is going to be HUGE! We are bursting with books from every category. It's recycling at its best with patrons getting great books at bargain prices, donors getting a tax deduction and Friends getting much needed funds for special library projects. It's the perfect place to do some holiday shopping! Bring you neighbors and buy some wonderful books. During the book sale there will be several other events taking place -
- Santa will be in the gazebo waiting to take the perfect holiday picture with the little ones. These 4x6 pictures will be taken by David Basarich, professional photographer with Boerne Photography. The photos will be immediately available for a small $5.00 donation.
- *Throughout the day there will be an opportunity to obtain raffle tickets for 5 special items. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5. You do not need to be present to win.
Strictly Meats n' Things
905 North Main Street
905 North Main Street
Boerne, TX 78006
#2. A beautiful piece of Raku pottery by Patricia Scivano, local artist and member of San Antonio Potters Guild.
#3. A beautiful 16 x 20 oil painting, "An Ode To O'Keeffe", which was painted by well known local Boerne artist Leota Kay Biggs.
#4. Polish Pottery: A large handmade soup/stew tureen, oven to tabletop ware from Boleslawiec, Poland.
#5. A bottle of wine and two handmade glasses by Linda Manning.
- And finally, because we're bursting with books, a $5.00 bag sale from 4-5 pm. We'll give you the bag and you can fill your bag with books**. You can buy as many bags as you wish and bags purchased at prior March book sales will be honored. Definitely, the best deal in Boerne!
Did you hear? We're having a party! We hope all our members can join us at our Christmas Open House on Wednesday, December 14 from 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. A brief meeting will be held starting with welcoming remarks at 3:00 p.m. The slate of officers for the 2012 year will be presented for your approval. A sign up sheet is at the library for patrons wishing to bring an appetizer. Joyce Basarich has again graciously volunteered to organize the festivities and can be contacted at dbasarich@gvtc.com for more information. Come and enjoy some yummy appetizers and world famous 'Friends' vodka punch. Guests are also welcome.

We need help to sort, pack and price the hundreds of books that continue to come in from the community. If you have an interest in books and enjoy meeting some great Boerne people, please e-mail clp1958@gvtc or call 830-249-1460 for more information. No experience is necessary and a volunteer will guide you.
Become a Friend
A membership table will be at the Holiday book sale or you can pick up a membership form at the library. If you are already a member, consider asking your friends, neighbors or family members to join. Membership is open to all!
That's it for now........
*Friends paid nothing for the raffle items.
** Excluding Vintage and Table tops.